Sustainably Speaking

Sustainably Speaking: Leadership in Sustainability | America’s Plastic Makers®

Episode Summary

Chemical Week’s Rob Westervelt and Global Environmental Technology Foundation's Monica Ellis highlight outstanding innovations in sustainability that are helping build the circular economy.

Episode Notes

More than ever, organizations are recognizing sustainable practices as a business imperative. 

On this episode of Sustainably Speaking, hear about the Sustainability Leadership Award winners who are making groundbreaking innovations in circularity, education and sustainable investment. 

Monica Ellis, the CEO and founder of the Global Environmental Technology Foundation, and Rob Westervelt, editor-in-chief of Chemical Week, served as two of the judges for ACC’s Sustainability Leadership Awards. They join Mia Quinn to tell us about a few of the award winners and trends, including the creation of a first-of-its-kind graduate program at a major national university. 

Monica Ellis, CEO and Founder, Global Environmental Technology Foundation

Monica Ellis is Chief Executive Officer and a founding member of the Global Environment & Technology Foundation (GETF). A sustainable development leader, Monica has worked throughout the world on a range of natural resource and economic development issues, focusing particularly on clean water, climate, technology, health and economic empowerment issues. She specializes in developing high impact partnerships with leading companies, government agencies, civil societies and philanthropists that result in resilient communities. Her passion centers on working with vulnerable communities assisting their efforts to gain clean water, sanitation and ultimately, economic opportunity.

As an advocate of innovation, she has also helped launch several successful companies and platforms in the environmental technology, information technology and communications sectors. She is a member/advisor to several boards, including GETF, Water For People, the Johns Hopkins University Global Water Advisory Board, US Water Partnership, the Graham Sustainability Institute at the University of Michigan, the Global Water Institute at the Ohio State University and Ketos. She is a graduate of the University of Missouri and a proud recipient of American University’s William K. Reilly Award for Environmental Leadership.

Monica also serves as CEO of Global Water Challenge (GWC), an action-oriented coalition of corporations, NGOs and other organizations committed to achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation.  Under her leadership, GETF and GWC have mobilized over $350 million for clean water access and community development efforts that today benefits over 8 million people in Africa, Central and Latin America and India.

Rob Westervelt, Editor-inChief, Chemical Week

Rob Westervelt is editor-in-chief of Chemical Week, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights. Rob has covered the global chemical industry for more than 25 years. He was named editor of Chemical Week in December 2006. His team is responsible for coverage and analysis of news and trends affecting the global chemical industry. Before being named editor-in-chief, he was senior editor, responsible for news and markets coverage of the Americas. 

Mia Quinn, Senior Director, Public Affairs at American Chemistry Council

Mia Quinn leads efforts to communicate the plastics industry’s major sustainability initiatives. She works to bring together experts to share insights in key areas of sustainability, including public policy, product design, recycling and infrastructure.

She is passionate about collaboration, clear communications and engaging audiences to learn more about and advocate for innovation and modern solutions for our communities and our country.

Mia has a degree in political science from Washington University in St. Louis. She grew up in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado and is a lifelong Denver Broncos fan. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and two sons.